Home Solutions Titan RM&D

Titan™ Remote Monitoring & Diagnostics

The Titan Difference

SVS Titan RM&D detects, reports, and diagnoses anomalies in real time. It proactively addresses potential issues as part of a stronger risk-assessment strategy for equipment and asset management. Titan has been proven reliable in the toughest conditions with excellent performance track records.


  • Flexible alarm definitions, notifications, and system management
  • Historical and real time trending on multiple parameters with settings management
  • Powerful diagnostic rules engine capturing expert diagnostic knowledge
  • User-friendly system configuration reducing time and cost
  • Customized reporting
  • Sophisticated user privilege control
  • Accurate localization and display of alarms on Google Earth
  • Configurable software architecture to work with different IT environments
  • Mobile device access to monitor targets and address issues anytime, anywhere

Titan Reference Projects

SVS builds RM&D systems for energy and healthcare industry leaders as part of their mission to operate safely and with minimal interruptions.

Subsea Oil Production RM&D: The RM&D system we built for subsea oil production has been performing for several years, monitoring mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical systems.

Pipeline Impact & Leak Detection RM&D: The pipeline impact & leak detection system has been proven in use in monitoring gas pipelines in real time.

Learn more about Titan RM&D for healthcare

Contact us to learn more about Titan™ or to schedule a demonstration.

© Sharp Vision Software 2012